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Nextdoor users lead the charge with 71% vaccination planning rate [Insights from Nextdoor]

Written by Heidi Andersen | Apr 2, 2024 6:11:15 PM

Being active isn't just what I do; it's who I am. 

Whether I'm hitting a trail in the great outdoors, biking down a winding road, or enjoying fresh powder under my skis, being in motion is practically my second language [Editor’s note: Heidi also speaks multiple languages]. But winning moments are those where solo runs or rides transform into unexpected social hours, creating bonds that stick. 

Through sports, I've met incredible athletes who've transitioned from being "workout buddies" to becoming lifelong friends. It's fascinating how these passions become the glue for lasting community connections. That's a bit how Nextdoor works, too. Only instead of trails, backroads, and ski slopes, it's all happening right in our neighborhoods. 

Based on our recent 2024 survey data, we've learned that Nextdoor neighbors are increasingly looking toward their community for Health and Wellness tips with over 25% of Nextdoor users (we call them ‘neighbors’) asking their neighborhood for health advice and activity participation. Additionally, our data suggests that 71% of our neighbors are planning to get vaccinated this year. 

That's not just talk; it's action. And it says something profound about the community growing on Nextdoor.

Read on for more insights from our latest Health and Wellness deep dive.

Like most sports, health is a team effort

In our study, we found Nextdoor neighbors have a strong sense of responsibility when it comes to making healthcare decisions, with 77% viewing themselves as the family's Chief Medical Officer—a rate that is 22% higher than the general population. 

This proactive approach to health and wellness is underscored by the fact that more than a quarter of neighbors are actively seeking health advice and recommendations on Nextdoor.

The kinds of information they're looking for include:

  • 29% search for local doctors

  • 26% inquire about local pharmacies

  • 24% explore local exercise classes, events, and support groups

Finding trustworthy health information can be challenging. On Nextdoor, neighbors are turning to each other for support, sharing recommendations on the best local doctors and where to get a flu shot. 

This sense of community extends to finding caregivers—an important area where one in five neighbors have benefited from recommendations shared on the platform.

A “hello” a day keeps the doctor away

Here’s something that resonated with me: Those casual “hellos” or coffee catch-ups with neighbors? They’re little yet high-impact health boosts—who knew?

We measure this through what we call 'Neighbor interactions,' which averages: 1) The frequency of any contact with a neighbor, even something as simple as saying 'hello', and 2) How often we have real conversations or social gatherings with a neighbor.

The results: For every one level increase in the neighbor interaction score, the odds of a positive mental and physical health self-rating increases by 59% and 21%, respectively

This is further supported by a recent Harris Poll study we published in March, where we found 74% of Americans say friendly neighbor connections are key to not feeling isolated. That number jumps to 80% for Nextdoor neighbors.

It turns out that those of us who regularly mingle with our neighbors are more likely to rate our mental and physical health as top-notch. Feeling a sense of belonging, of being part of something bigger, gives us a lift. 

Rallying around a cause

71% of Nextdoor neighbors plan to get vaccinated this year: 

  • 41% for Flu

  • 33% for COVID

  • 11% for both Shingles and RSV

  • 8% for Hepatitis

When we dug into the why, we found that Nextdoor neighbors are more likely to be motivated by their social responsibility to get vaccinated; 65% of Nextdoor neighbors said they get vaccinated to prevent others from getting sick, and 63% saying it’s the right thing to do.

Neighbors seem to be stepping up, showcasing active participation within our community on health-related initiatives. 

The power of connection applies to health and wellness

Nextdoor’s purpose is to cultivate a kinder world where everyone has a neighborhood they can rely on. 

We’re seeing this come through in how neighbors come together on Nextdoor to seek and get recommendations on health topics - they support, advise, and look out for one another. It’s about turning those everyday interactions into something meaningful, something that enriches our well-being.

Reflecting on our latest survey data reveals that health and wellness are top-of-mind topics for many neighbors. And the sharing is happening in a local environment built on trust; real people, real conversations, real feelings, real experiences, and real achievements. 

From wellness quests to the strong vaccination rates, Nextdoor is a health-conscious, supportive network, right where we live. If you’d like to see the rest of our insights from this study, reach out and schedule time with our team here

Until then, I’ll catch you in the great outdoors (or maybe in the Nextdoor feed).

- Heidi