Nextdoor for Public Services

Communicate with verified residents in your service area with Nextdoor's neighbourhood engagement tool for local councils, government agencies, not-for-profit service providers and community organizations

Nextdoor is available for all neighbourhoods in Canada

Nextdoor is available for all neighbourhoods in Canada

Thousands of public services around the world use Nextdoor to create stronger communities. With a unique mapping feature that enables instant distribution to the people in your service area, public services can effectively communicate with verified residents.

Reach the right audience

Communicate with verified residents who live in your service area.

Geo-target your posts

Post relevant messages to specific neighbourhoods or service areas.

See real-world results.

Increase attendance at events and inspire your community totake action.

Contact Us To Get Started


Meet our partners

"Nextdoor is already proving to be an important tool for communicating with our residents. We can post as individual officers, increasing our visibility and driving really strong engagement. It’s great to be able to post polls, publicize events and send urgent alerts."

PCSO David Haywood

Metropolitan Police

"Nextdoor is a great digital platform for reaching local residents. Whether it’s for an emergency, asking for ideas on how to improve neighbourhoods, or simply keeping residents informed, Nextdoor gives us the rare opportunity to engage directly.”

Cllr Sue MacMillan

Cabinet Member for Strategy

"Nextdoor has really helped the PSNI to connect with a diverse range of residents in cities, towns and rural areas across Northern Ireland. One great feature for us is knowing we are instantly talking to the right people. Nextdoor has helped our communities develop and facilitated a new level of engagement with the police"

Inspector Brian Mills

Police Service in Northern Ireland

Your residents want to hear from you!

Contact Us To Get Started