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The local businesses, most-loved by your neighbours

From your fave local restaurant to your go-to fitness spot, Neighbourhood Faves celebrates local businesses all across the UK. The votes have been counted and the winners are now in. Don’t miss out on seeing which local businesses won in your city or neighbourhood, check them out today!

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Neighborhood Faves, by the numbers

Nearly 500K businesses faved
Source: Internal Nextdoor data, 2023

It’s more than a title! Neighbourhood Fave winners receive:

Neighbourhood Fave trophy badge on their Nextdoor business page

Featured on Nextdoor’s Discover Map, accessible from every neighbours’ app

Featured on Nextdoor’s Winner’s List

A digital Winners Promotional Kit

Plus, Top 10 Winners will receive up to a year of free ads on Nextdoor for their local business page. See T&Cs here.

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