Why Nextdoor for Local Business

Explore a community where your business is valued and embraced. With Nextdoor, your presence is not just an advertisement; you become part of the local conversation.

We bridge the gap between your services and neighbors who need them. Be part of a network that values personal connections, and watch your engagement grow.

Get started
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Neighborly engagements,
meaningful outcomes

Over 88 million people visit Nextdoor seeking new favorites and advice to get their jobs done.

When you set up shop here, you’re diving into a network where 1 in 3 households are active and 88% of neighbors shop local every week.

It’s more than a listing; it’s becoming a part of the local dialogue.

Over 88M verified neighbors around the world

1/3 U.S. households are active

330k+ unique neighborhoods and growing

$1BN worth of goods in our For Sale & Free marketplace

Our neighbors

Over 90% on the platform are the joint or sole household purchase decision maker

79% have been influenced by a neighbor recommendation

71% have shared a recommendation on Nextdoor 

Word of mouth

When your business gets talked about on Nextdoor, it inspires actions and attracts new audiences. Our neighbors love local, frequently posting about their Neighborhood Faves. 

In fact, 94% of Nextdoor users say they value recommendations for products, services and businesses from their neighbors,

Real neighbors,
real results

Reach out to real neighbors based on interests and location. Our platform lays the groundwork for cultivating genuine relationships with locals, turning casual interactions into lasting patronage.

79% of Nextdoor neighbors were influenced by a recommendation seen on our platform to visit a business or use a service.


Your success story
begins with a
simple “hi neighbor
on Nextdoor.

Read Success Stories

Your community awaits

Join the neighborhood network where businesses of all sizes thrive amidst familiar faces. With Nextdoor, you’re nurturing a community that values your services.

Immerse yourself in a space where every business is valued and every service weaves a narrative.

Your Nextdoor business journey begins here.

Get started

Nextdoor helps neighbors by:

Fostering local connections
Nextdoor is your neighborhood's digital handshake, strengthening local bonds and daily interactions.

Operating local deals
Access the community's best offerings in a few taps.

Assisting lost & found
Nextdoor connects lost items with their rightful owners, making it a go-to hub for fast recoveries.

Sharing community events
Nextdoor’s event feed keeps you connected and involved in your neighborhood's happenings.

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Facilitating recommendations for local services
From handyman help to pet-sitting solutions, discover reliable local services trusted by neighbors.

Running local classifieds
Dynamic local classifieds make buying, selling or swapping goods within your community simple and fast.

Sharing local news
Keep a pulse on your community as Nextdoor provides real-time community news, updates, and discussions right to your devices.

Promoting respectful communication
Harmonious dialogues build great neighborhoods. Nextdoor helps foster dialogues that are thoughtful, respectful, and engaging.

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Nextdoor vs.
other digital advertising options

Reach, Creative, Audience, Targeting

Nextdoor Ads Manager
Other Digital Advertisers


Real People



Automatically personalize your copy

Little to no personalization


1 in 3 households is on Nextdoor

Varies by platform


Advanced targeting options
Household income, Homeownership, Interests, and more

Less control over who sees your ads