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Nextdoor helps home services businesses harness the power of word-of-mouth marketing so you can reach where your customers are - online or in the Nextdoor app. Advertise and grow your business with a built-in network of local customers, already looking for businesses just like yours.
*Internal Nextdoor Data
Promote your available services
Get new local leads and customers
Grow your neighborhood reputation
The power of word-of-mouth marketing is undeniable. 67% of Nextdoor users have shared a recommendation and more than 75% have been impacted by the suggestions of their fellow neighbors.
Rey Canseco, Canseco’s Gardening Service
Santa Barbara, CA
“Nextdoor was a cost-effective and organic way of getting new clients. The reviews and recommendations mean a lot, especially for a small business that has been around for 30 years.”
Rey Canseco, Canseco’s Gardening Service
Santa Barbara, CA
more likely to be interested in interior decorating tips
more likely to be interested in home & garden topics
more likely to be interested in landscaping topics
Source: comScore Multi-Platform Key Measures, April 2020 Age 18+
*More likely than the average internet user *% of Nextdoor members