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Solar Together exceeded expected conversion results on Nextdoor


Nextdoor neighbours are passionate about the environment - more than 1 in 2 neighbours consider helping the environment important to them1, nearly half of neighbours want brands to be eco-friendly1, and 1 in 5 neighbours own a smart utility product1. Given neighbours’ propensity for sustainability, Solar Together - a group-buying programme that enables neighbours to install solar panels on their homes at an affordable price - partnered with Nextdoor to drive awareness of its products and installation services in English counties.


Solar Together and Nextdoor collaborated to test Newsfeed Display Sponsored Posts with the goal of targeting homeowners in multiple counties and converting neighbours. The Sponsored Post headline copy used dynamic city substitution to increase CTRs, while the creative’s imagery featured real people / real life settings to drive engagement.


The campaign creative’s CTR performed within Nextdoor’s vertical benchmark, while the number of conversions exceeded expectations, highlighting the quality of traffic being generated on the platform to relevant,  high-intent users. Areas within a high density of homeowners (80% or higher) were more likely to interact with Solar Together and convert. Though females were responsible for nearly twice as many impressions, males were more likely to engage and interact with the Sponsored Posts, driving a CTR 19% above female neighbours. 

"Nextdoor’s strong UK neighbourhood presence fits well with Solar Together’s localised approach to spread awareness of its regional group-buying schemes for solar PV and battery storage schemes. Together, we can help like-minded neighbours learn more and join their group on the platform, which was evident from high CTRs and conversion rates." 

Mathew Williams Marketing Strategist at iChoosr UK

GWI Core, UK, Q3 2022 - Q2 2023

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