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Canvas Boosted Car Subscriptions with Nextdoor's Highly Engaged Audience


CTR above benchmark


Engagement rate above benchmark


Social referral traffic from Nextdoor


Canvas offers flexible, simple, and affordable car subscriptions. With the ability to select a term length from 1-12 months or more at one bundled monthly price, and swap cars anytime, Canvas reimagines car ownership for today's consumer.



Canvas wanted to increase awareness in the markets it services, as well drive education to boost subscription rates. 


Canvas used Sponsored Posts to reach engaged members on Nextdoor. They geo-targeted the creative to Los Angeles and San Francisco and leveraged dynamic local ads, by substituting the city name in the header. They further drove consideration and trial with an incentive in the CTA.  

"What stood out to me about Nextdoor relative to other platforms was the ability to create good, organic conversation around our product in a hyper-localized manner. That offers a lot of fresh opportunity for performance optimization."

John Alvino

Director of Growth Marketing


High-speed performance: Nextdoor quickly comprised over 45% of Canvas' social referral traffic once the campaign launched. What's more, Canavs' CTR on Nextdoor was 72% higher than on other social channels.