After working part-time in property management for 10 years, last year Inna Adler of Lakeland, FL made a career change, becoming a full-time real estate agent. She is one of seven agents at a local real estate company, where she manages her own clients’ relationships and the promotion of her own listings.
Inna’s broker handles some of the real estate marketing and advertising for the company, but as a new agent, Inna had a unique challenge to build her own brand and awareness in her community in order to grow her business.
Inna says, “I had been on Nextdoor personally as a neighbor for a few years, and noticed the real estate section. It was insightful to be able to view nearby homes in my neighborhood. When I started going into the real estate business myself, Nextdoor was on the top of the list for my marketing needs. It’s affordable compared to other platforms that don’t even show your ads to people. On other sites, I’ve been lucky when maybe 20 people have viewed my ads.”
She continues, “And Nextdoor is still on the personal level. People just trust it more because they know it’s only their neighbors, and not everyone in the world. They see your picture and can connect with other neighbors in their community to learn more about you, if they want to. As a real estate agent, it allows you to talk to the local community, and get more targeted with outreach to people I would potentially do business with.”
Inna has been making use of her ability to share customized posts with her sponsored area; the poll she ran regarding new businesses in town generated a lot of engagement, including 128 comments. But most importantly to Inna? “It puts my name out there into the community so that neighbors become familiar with me and start to remember me.” She makes sure to use the same profile photo on both her member account and Business Page so that neighbors recognize her not just as a real estate agent, but also as a fellow neighbor in the community.
Inna posted a poll and received an overwhelming response: almost 350 votes, and 128 comments.
Oftentimes, real estate transactions are predicated on a trustworthy relationship, and with her Neighborhood Sponsorship, Inna is building her foundation to become a resource for her community, and ultimately earn trust as the go-to agent in Lakeland.