
A non-profit, regional health system succeeded in engaging Nexdoor neighbors from awareness to usgae intent using Video Ads


point lift in brand awareness


point lift in ad recall


point lift in brand consideration


point lift in usage intent


A nonprofit community health system partnered with Nextdoor to reach people where it matters most - their own neighborhoods - knowing that ensuring a community's overall health and well-being starts at the local level.

On a mission to make a positive difference in every life they touch in the communities they serve, the brand capitalized on Nextdoor's power of local personalization to reach audiences in specific neighborhoods. They ran media in key markets across Georgia, testing several types of creative to convert neighbors from awareness to intent. 



The brand leveraged Sponsored Video posts in the Newsfeed using local substitution to target people in the Atlanta metro area and reach neighbors at the local level. Additionally, the brand partnered with Nextdoor to run a Brand Lift study to measure brand awareness, ad recall, brand consideration and usage intent.


At the overall campaign level, strongly statistically significant lifts were seen across all brand KPIs, including: brand awareness (+27.3 pts), ad recall (+8.1 pts), brand consideration (+6.3 pts) and usage intent (+3.7 pts). The brand also beat Nextdoor's benchmarks across all 4 brand metric categories. The Brand Lift study yielded positive results, showing an impact on both top-funnel metrics for awareness and lower-funnel usage intent metrics.

We also saw a significant lift across all 4 of the brand's brand attributes: caring (+6.2pt lift), professional (+8.8pt lift), trustworthy (+6pt lift), and easy access (+5.6pt lift).

Overall, the brand saw hugely successful results with Nextdoor, highlighting the effectiveness of key campaign messaging and the impact of Video Ads on Nextdoor.

Source: Nextdoor Lucid Brand Lift Study: January 1 - June 30 2024, Control n = 1290; exposed n = 1292.