
Home Chef found new customers in the neighborhood


decrease in average campaign CPA in 2021


Home Chef is a weekly fresh meal delivery service. As a performance advertiser, their objective was to drive sign ups and subscriptions of its service for new customers.


Home Chef ran Sponsored Posts in the Nextdoor newsfeed. The Sponsored Posts were targeted both nationally and to 1st and 3rd party audiences of cooking enthusiasts and recent movers. Various creatives encouraged signs up with promotional CTAs and utilized Nextdoor’s local substitution to change the name of the neighborhood in the creative to further localize a national message.


Quarter over quarter, Home Chef saw strong performance towards their CPA goals. Through the Nextdoor pixel, Home Chef has seen their average newsfeed campaign CPA decrease by 25% over the course of 2021, which has given them the confidence to scale their spend on Nextdoor.